Wednesday, August 6, 2008

many shades of pissed ...

so, here it is ... 6:30 a.m. and i'm at work, sneaking on to blog.

i'm so fucking irritated right now, it's virtually unbelievable ... i work with a twat of a co-worker who is probably the single most unreliable person i've ever met at a job. she has no work ethic, she's habitually late, calls out consistently and doesn't really do shit when she is here. i'm sick of it.

my department is split into three regions ... pennsylvania (which covers pennsylvania, of course, parts of new jersey, parts of maryland and random scatterings of other areas), mid-atlantic (which covers maryland and some other areas), and texas (which covers .... guess ... yup, texas!). i work in the texas region with UTF (unreliable twat face) and we have so much work it's crazy. we're actually working in a region that should, technically, have 3 people working in but we split the difference between us ... or at least, that's the ideal setup, however ... UTF has been here 4--maybe 5--months and has probably been out a month of that for various reasons:
  • sick
  • car broke down
  • relative died (times 3)
  • she fell (which did happen b/c it happened here at work and i saw/heard it ... it was ugly)
  • car accident
now, the falling thing ... i can understand that ... she fell pretty hard, but some of the other excuses she has used are a bit fishy. example ... her car accident ... it just so happens that 2 days before this 'accident' she informed my friend--and amazing co-worker--TAG (thin and gorgeous) that she had a friend coming into town for a week. well, lookie here ... guess how long it took to recover from this 'accident' ... yup, a week. funny how many coincidences there are in life, yes?

so, now ... with all the work that i already have, we just got an email last night requiring us to do additional overtime that is mandatory. are you freaking kidding me? ugh ...

so, here it is now 10 of 7 and UTF is still not in and her shift begins at 7 ...

my vision is red.

unnecessary meetings ...
to make my work situation even worse, we have two very unnecessary meetings scheduled for today that will waste time that i could be working and catching up on stuff that we are apparently behind on. does it end?

overheating ...
so, this one has nothing to do with my co-worker ...
recently i just had $700.00 worth of work done on my jeep to repair my radiator which was leaking fluid. it was a chunk of money that i really wish i didn't have to part with, however, it was a necessary evil. after the work was done, the jeep ran great!

yesterday, however, i smell antifreeze and i look at the temperature gauge and whatd'yaknow ... it's overheating. are you kidding me?? so now, on my day off, i have to bring my jeep back to meineke and inform them that they didn't fix it. ugh ... fucking idiots!!

so ... needless to say i'm a bit salty today. have a great fucking day, all. peace.

oooh, final edit ...
UTF just walked in the door and sat her fat ass down. get to fucking work, woman!!

that is all.


Charm City Kim said...

There is a woman I work with you calls out all the time too! And she also works a 4 day work week because she supposedly works 10 hr days Mon-Thurs. MY ASS!

Mrs. Mary Mack said...

I just found your blog, and I just wanted to say I officially love it! LOL I'm cracking up down here in Texas! I work with people like UTF happens to be a boss.