Friday, February 1, 2008

... new beginnings.

well, as many of you know i had a job interview today at 2:30 and due to my nerves, i was awake at 6:30 this morning, though i think that is largely in part because that's when i've been waking up for how ever many months. so, i drank coffee all morning and tried to play my xbox, but i just couldn't focus.

so, fast forward a bit ... i arrive at the location for my interview about 30 minutes early ... no, it wasn't because i was nervous ... it's because this place is almost literally right down the street from me. it took me all of 10 minutes to get to this place and think it only took that long because of the rain.

so, anyway, i go in and they put me in this bland, white-walled room that contains only a table and some chairs. nothing on the walls ... no other furniture. if there was a large mirror on one wall i'd honestly think i was involved in some sort of police sting where they lure you in with tales of lottery winnings and/or job interviews. thankfully, however, there was no two-way mirror on the wall.

my interviewer comes in and she asks me all the standard questions.

what's your best attribute? etc ...
"my eyes ... oh, and my pouty lips," i say with a smirk. ok, so that really wasn't my answer.

anyway, so there were about 15-20 questions and at the very end she asks me, "so, why should we offer you this position?" i answered without a pause and said, "because i will not disappoint you and i will get the work done."

overall i think the interview went well and i think it was obvious that i was nervous because she make a comment about it, saying, "you have nothing to be nervous about." i left there with mixed feelings ... unsure whether or not i got the job. bleh.

so on the way home i stop at 7-11 to get some cream for coffee and i see a girl i know and haven't seen for a while so her and i start talking and after about 5 minutes, i get back into my jeep and continue home. now, right before i got to 7-11 i was on the phone with terri and when my phone started ringing again after i left 7-11, i figured it was her. i answered without looking at the name. here's the conversation:

voice: may i speak to geoff?
me: this is he.
lee ann: hi, this is lee ann from [company name].
me: oh, hi. how are you?
lee ann: i'm good, how about you?
me: i'm great, thank you.
lee ann: well, geoff, the reason i'm calling is that i just talked with cara (she's the one who interviewed me) and she asked me to call you ::my heart sinks. they only call this early if you bombed the interview:: and she wanted me to offer you the position.
me: ::stunned silence:: oh, that's great! ::i finally blurt out::
lee ann: yes, when can you start?
me: as soon as possible.

so, ladies and gentle-readers ... i went into that interview, confident, assured and i apparently blew them out of the water! i mean, how often do you get called with an offer a mere 20 minutes after the interview? i wasn't even home yet! i immediately got this huge cheesy grin on my face and i've been smiling since!

i honestly think the thing that impressed her most was toward the end of the questions, she kinda giggles a little bit and goes, "ok, don't laugh when i ask this question because i have to ask everyone," and all i can think of is some sort of sexual harassment question so of course i'm thinking "i'm gay! i'm gay! i'm gay!" however, her questions did not pertain to anything of that nature.

cara: say i came up to you ::my mind is still thinking "i'm gay!":: and i need a county for an area but all i have to go on is a zip code. could you find it for me?
me: ::without a moment's hesitation:: absolutely.
cara: ::seemingly taken aback a bit at my quick response:: how would you get that information for me?
cara: ::a big grin lights up her face:: you're the first person out of my interviews who has given me that answer. you'd be surprised how many people don't know the answer to that question. very good.

it seems silly, but i think it impressed her.

so, i start wednesday and i get paid significantly more than my previous position and this job is permanent ... full time ... with benefits! it's a new company and they are expanding exponentially so there will be lots of room for growth, both with the company and its employees.

i can't even begin to describe the level of excitement i am feeling. i am completely floored, stunned, ecstatic, elated, relieved, and many many more adjectives! i feel like a ginormous rock has been lifted from my shoulders as not only will i be able to pay my rent ... with my salary increase, i'll be able to buy stuff for my place!

thank you to everyone who expressed good wishes and luck to me. it is very much appreciated!


Nanette said...

Wheeeee! That's awesome! Congrats!!!

Scooter McFly said...

thank you so much! ^^ i'm as giddy as a schoolgirl right now!

Andréa said...

YAY! For new jobs and more money. WOOT!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! I'm soooo happy for you!!

Now, is there a Starbucks or a Dunkin Donuts near this new place of employment? I'm guessing "no" since it is so close to your apartment. :-(

I was getting ready to bust your chops over the USPS website (I use .gov) but apparently both .com and .gov work (.gov takes you to .com). You smart boy!! ;-)

CAG Incognito said...

Okay...I finally finished throwing up my intestines long enough to read your wonderful WONDERFUL news!

CONGRATS BOO!!! I knew you would get it!

Charm City Kim said...

I'm so happy for you! And I think its even more exciting that you're working so close to my house... although I guess that doesn't matter because I don't happen to work anywhere near my house. Hmph.

Btw - I LOVE

Jamie said...


Ok, first congratulations!!
I know you were stressed about the job thing so this has to be a HUGE relief! how is it that you get comments from my Sister and I don't???!??!!!?

I's not your fault, but could you stop writing such good blogs? :)

Jax said...

Congratulations! Is it me or did Cara have a copy of Interviewing for Dummies under her desk? What are your best attributes? Really?

I heard from my current employer within a couple of days, and that was the quickest for me. You must have been stupendous. ;)

Oh, and I use ;)

Jax said...

PS if Cara will ever read this blog you may want to delete my comment. Sorry. Post-comment awareness. said...

I'm very excited for you. You deserve the best. I'm quite sure that you feel like 50 pounds just dropped off your shoulders.

Amanda and I are very proud of you.

love you lots.

Seb + Amanda.

Yahpee said...

Fricken high five man!