Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"and now for my next trick .... nothing up my sleeve ..."

this will be a short post today. i know that i haven't posted in a few days, but i have other things on my mind at the moment, so i apologize.

yesterday, on one of my breaks, daisy dyke and i were outside having a cigarette when old skool showed up. if you're unfamiliar with old skool, she's the one who related the story of her cousin--or some relative--who stabbed her cheating hubby/boyfriend with a stiletto heel. anyway, so apparently yearly reviews came up at work and everyone is on edge as it is with all the lay offs that are going around like the plague. well, apparently old skool didn't receive a very promising review and thus had this to say about the woman who reviewed her ...

old skool: she can bite my click ... and i ain't no lesbian!

i think she meant to say 'clit' but damn, that was funny and i choked a bit laughing.

daisy dyke and i were out having a cigarette this morning and we're out there for about 5 minutes just chatting and whatnot when daisy stretches and i see this huge lump on her arm and was just about to ask what the hell that was when daisy screams:

daisy: what the fuck is in my sleeve?!

she reaches up inside her sleeve and gets a hold of whatever is in there and starts to pull it out. it ended up being a large washcloth and i completely lost it ... to the point that i was crying and having trouble breathing and i think i snorted a few times. she looked like some sort of magician pulling a line of hankies from her sleeve. it was damn hilarious (though i have a feeling this may be one of those 'location appreciation' jokes and you 'had to be there.') i was waiting for her to pull a rabbit out of her ass. oh ... good times ... good times indeed.

i talked to my contracting agency today and as of yet they don't have anything lined up for me after this contract ends. i'm a bit perturbed about this and the fact that i've heard nothing back from the numerous resumes i have submitted to various positions within various companies. ugh! i can't afford to be out of work and this is coming at a bad time. oy. i need to quickly get my taxes done so i can get something back soon.

i'm irritated and stressed beyond belief right now!

how is everyone else doing? hopefully good. has anyone ever gone to work with something else inside their clothing? i had a sock in my pant leg one time that i pulled out and got quite a laugh from co-workers at my previous job. anyone else?


Charm City Kim said...

Aw - you're asking questions to get comments. :-)

I usually have the dryer sheet stuck in my clothes but I can't think of anything fun.

Although one time, in the mad dash to get ready for work - I put a pair of undies on backwards and didn't realize until I went tot he bathroom at work (they were boyshorts!).

CAG Incognito said...

I think one time I had a trailing stocking. I basically threw on some pants I picked up off the floor in my room when I was in a rush one moring. I knew they felt funny, but I just attributed it to them having that 'worn' feeling. I was in such a hurry I didn't notice. Then as I'm walking down the halls of the job, it looks like I have a big turd following me! It was so embarrasing, especially since none of these non-caring fuckers told me! Ugh!