Thursday, January 24, 2008

cynicism in 2008 and "it's stuck in my head ..."

cynicism in 2008
so, a couple of weeks ago i get this email--on myspace of all places ... i could rant about myspace right now, but i don't have the strength--from this guy who says he found my profile on and then subsequently on myspace ... he found me really interesting and wanted to talk to me.

well, that should be flattering, yes? however, my first thought, of course, was "stalker?" whatever, stalkers are people too! so i replied and we chatted a few times via email but he became really insistent on talking on the phone. i explained to him that i'd rather chat through email more before we progress to the phone and also that i had been on the phone numerous times that week on conference calls, etc, and the last thing i wanted to do was talk on the phone.

anyways, long story short, i finally give him my number and he called me the other night and the one thing that really sticks in my head from our conversation was his remark, "your profile was really cynical, wasn't it?"

so, that just begs me to ask the question ... am i a cynical person? i'd like to think i'm not, but i think, deep down, i am. granted, i've never been a "that glass is half-empty" kinda guy, but neither have i been a "half-full" spokesperson either ... more like a "glass? we don't neeeeeed no steeeenkin' glasses!" ::spill, smash, break:: that must be my volatile side coming out, right sean?

this also makes me wonder if being the sarcastic person that i am makes me cynical. i've never really associated sarcasm with cynicism, but i can see how the two are very closely linked and, honestly, i've always just found dry humor and sarcasm more my speed. sure, i'm jaded about things ... love (that ones not hard to become jaded with) for one ... and perhaps work--in my present situation i can hardly see why i'd become jaded about that, i mean ... come on!--but i don't look at everything as if it's a bleak horizon. no ... no, in fact, i see silver linings!

sure, i'm losing my job at the end of the month, but just think of all the blogging material i could possibly get at my next place of employment. ooh, i'm all a twitter with excitement!

meh ... i dunno why that remark isn't sitting well with me and it makes me wonder if it's a guilty conscience saying "yes, indeed, mr. geoff ... you are a cynical, sarcastic asshole." ::squishes cricket::

so, i didn't make any resolutions this year for new years, but i think i just found one. try not to be so damned cynical in 2008 ...

... i'll probably give this resolution up like i have every other year.

"it's stuck in my head ..."
you ever get a song stuck in your head and you just can't get rid of it? then you get that one jackass who's like, "oh, you should sing it out loud ... that always helps." shut up and give me some better advice. honestly, i can't remember the last time a song got stuck in my head this long since paula abdul's "opposites attract" when i was a kid and i broke out into an unrehearsed rendition in my bedroom to quench those raging fires.

i take 2 steps forward
i take 2 steps back
we come together
cuz opposites attract
and you know,
it ain't fiction
just a natural fact
we come together
cuz opposites attract

i. am. so. gay.

so, anyway, recently i've had various songs from the "rent" soundtrack stuck in my head and so i've been listening to it on my ipod and i finally got to the song that was stuck in my head and i did something that i normally don't do, because it seems rather inane to me ... when the song ended, i hit the back button ... and then i did it again ... and again ... folks, i've listened to this same song like 7 times in a row now! what is wrong with me?? i seriously never do that. when i'm done with a song, i'm more than happy to move on to the next one. oy. i'm losing my shit!

anyways, just had to tell you all about that!

[puffy hearts!]


Jax said...

just reading that post put the song directly in the center of my brain. it's there for a while, i can tell

MC Skat Jax

Nanette said...

Aw, man! Now it's stuck in MY head!

Good luck with your Man. His words seem to resonate with you, hopefully in a good way. :)

Charm City Kim said...

Cynical? I wouldn't say you're cynical... I think you're sarcastic, dry and FABULOUS. Don't change a thing.

As for the song thing - I DO THE SAME THING! If I'm really feeling a song one day, I'll just repeat it over and over and over until I realize that I've been listening to the same damn song for an hour.

Btw - what Rent song? I, too, have a Rent song in my head (Without You).

Scooter McFly said...

jax: lol ... i kinda figured it would do that to my readers and, well ... misery loves company.

mrs.twink: i love "without you" but actually, the song that's been in my head was the finale b song "there's only us, there's only this ... forget regret ... or life is yours to miss ..."

nanette: honestly, i'm not feeling anything with this guy ... the main reason being he's like 10 years my junior. no thanks. he's a nice guy, but i dunno. haven't even met him in person yet so who knows, but i do know that now i'm not feeling it at all. and the resonation is not really a good thing. kinda makes me feel like i'm a bastard or soemthing. lol said...

Sorry to break the news to you, but yes, you are Cynical. I've known you for 32 years now, and I'm sure you were even cynical in the birth canal.

Scooter McFly said...

aww, seb, you're always that ray of sunshine i need. thank you.

bricknhymr said...

Finale B... Interesting. I have to admit there are very few songs on there I don't like. La Vie Boheme and Out tonight tend to be my Favorites.

As for me, I tend to get early 90s R&B in stuck in my head. Even if I hear just a bit of C + C Music Factory, I need to go on and on with all of the words. It is a very very bad thing.