Monday, January 21, 2008

another year older ... another year ... wiser?

well, this weekend certainly was fun.

as i stated in a previous post, my birthday plans revolved around 'fogo,' where i could eat my weight in meat, though for the record, i'm pretty sure i only ate about the weight of a 5 year old child. i was surrounded by wonderful friends and family: jamie, steven, terri, paul, jackson, kristen, bob, my father and his partner, paul. of course, my father and paul complained a lot because that's what they do. they both, along with steven's paul, got the salad bar, but that didn't stop them from criticizing the small portions of meat that we were being served off the swords. but what they don't realize is that you keep getting small portions and small portions and small portions until you have this huge block of beef wedged somewhere between your esophagus and your sphincter.

so, after i gorged myself on cows and pigs, i felt like unbuckling my belt, undoing my pants button and just sitting there, hand positioned inside the waist of my jeans ala al bundy from 'married with children.' however, i still wanted one last slice of bottom sirloin which, in my opinion, is the choicest cut at fogo and simply melts in your mouth. so, i wait and i wait and finally some 'authentic' gaucho chef with a fake accent comes by with a haunch of meat and i perk up. "right here, please." after serving jamie a chunk, he comes over to me and cuts me off a nice thick slab. funny, that doesn't look like bottom sirloin. i'm really not sure what gave it away ... perhaps it was the giant blood clot in the center of the meat, all jellied and thoroughly vomitous. "no thank you," i say as i force the piece of meat onto jackson's plate. even he couldn't eat it and that's saying something! apparently, it was lamb and not my bottom sirloin and as most of my friends know, i positively abhor lamb. ugh. a few minutes later i had my bottom sirloin and then i was done. fin. caput. finito. nein. all those good negative words from foreign languages that people use. i will be honest, though. as much as i thoroughly enjoyed the restaurant, i don't think it was quite as good as the one in d.c. the service was rather lackluster and even the meat selections seemed a bit thin. i'd still recommend this restaurant to anyone, though, and disclaim that you really can only go here about once every 6 months to a year. it's THAT MUCH MEAT!

(ok, now that i made mrs.twink sick with that last paragraph ...)

so, after fogo we head over to the central for some drinkage. i see a few people i know but not everyone who is supposed to be there when "buzz buzz buzz" my phone vibrates. well, look'ee here. mrs.twink has decided to puss out and not come to celebrate my birthday with me. how sweet of her. ::grumble grumble::

i tease. i know that mr. and mrs.twink can't hang with the big dogs. it's all good. they're married and old and fall asleep at 8 p.m. watching the news and sitting on the sofa, her crocheting, him jingling the change in his pocket ... it's all well and good. seriously, though. i'm sorry they couldn't make it out as i love them to pieces and would really have liked to see them, but i can seriously understand just being far too tired to do anything and i really will not hold it against them. totally heart you, mr. and mrs.twink!

i had a great time friday night and i met some nice people as well as saw some old friends i haven't seen in a while. i didn't get terribly drunk, but i did have a hangover all day saturday, so i stayed in my PJs and watched tv and passed in and out of consciousness.

ok, so today i did something stupid, hence the question mark after 'wiser' in my post title. i go online at to pay my bill and i select my bank account where the money is to be drawn out of and i hit the pay button, not realizing that i didn't change the amount i wanted to pay. mind you, i made a previous payment of $71.56 earlier this month and the bill that is still active, still shows the total amount. for some reason payments made do not reflect on the total due until after the due date is up and everything is tallied. oy! so, stupid geoffrey today makes an additional payment of $171.56 (it's high because my first 2 bills are combined) so i've basically paid an addition $71.56 over what i owe. dammit!

i called bge to see if they could cancel that payment and i get some shit about "oh, well, since the payment is scheduled to come out today, we can't stop it. had you scheduled it for a future date, we'd be able to make changes to the amount." meh, 'fuck you! wes gotz ur dollers!' basically. i hate them, but it is my own stupid fault, so ... oh well. at least i'll have a credit for next month, so i guess it all evens out.

in case you're wondering, i did call my bank to see if they could stop the auto-payment but they couldn't guarantee that they could stop it and they'd have to change me $30 to try, even if it doesn't stop. meh. screw that. i'll just let the payment go through and save myself the hassle and $30.


Nanette said...

Mmm. Meat...

And I love your LOLCatz commentary. :)

Nanette said...

OOoooooooohhhhh! And how can I forget!?!?! I'm such a bad blog fan! Happy belated birthday!

Charm City Kim said...


Seriously - I had PRIMPED! My hair was all done up, I had an outfit picked out... but you boys took FOREVER at the meat factory. Oy! A girl loses steam after about an hour. :-)

We'll hang soon, dahling.

Terri: said...

i had a great time on friday! it was good to finally get out for a bit and celebrate your birthday and see everyone else.

fogo was soooooo good! although i should have worn pants with an elastic waistband band to handle the bulging of my tummy after eating all that yummy meat!

Jamie said...

I ate myself SICK!! I love FOGO!
It was great celebrating your rock my face off!

I'm sorry MrsTwink and the Mr had to ruin your birthday :)

CAG Incognito said...

Dang Geoff...Thanks for the invite to your birthday festivities! I like to eat and drink too! LOL J/K.

I'm glad you had fun on your 'G-Day' at FOGO and at the bar. Good thing you had time to recover...;-)

Yahpee said...

OK so I had to google this FOGO situation.. the hubs would LOVE any place where and I quote he could "eat [his] weight in meat"..

Booo on the only Cali location being in Beverly Hills! [grumble grumble]

Maybe I'll surprise him and take the drive one of these days.

Happy birthday handsome man!!

Scooter McFly said...

thank you CAG, girl! i [puffy heart] you, you sweet thang, but talk to jamie about no invite ... he did the evite!

and also, thank you so much, aline! seriously, your hubs will NOT be disappointed at all and, i'm sure, neither will you later ... ::wink wink nudge nudge::

ya, i know ... i'm tactless.