Thursday, January 3, 2008

goodbye 2007, helloooooooo 2008!

first, i just want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! sorry that i'm a bit late in this, but the thought was there even if the words weren't.

second, i've noticed that several other bloggers are doing a 'highlights' and a 'lowlights' of 2007 and, though it seems to be a current trend, i'm not going to be as thorough as they are. sorry.

probably the best thing that happened to me in 2007 was that i got my own apartment. granted, it's in dundalk, but we all can't have everything! so, living alone again after about 10 years is a very freeing and enjoyable experience, yet, it's also somewhat nerve wracking and terrifying. but, i'm getting through it and, all in all, i am enjoying it immensely.

new years eve
this new years eve, mrs.twink and the mr. threw a birthday/new years party which they have done for a couple years now. the last one i attended was a blast and i certainly wasn't disappointed this year either.

the party started around 7 p.m. and yet, i wasn't in attendance. you see, i was waiting for a friend--who was travelling to the u.s. from england for new years--to call. the plan was for him to get in, shower and change and come to my place where we would then travel to the party together. he called me from chicago to inform me that he missed his flight due to--and some of you who have ever flown into chicago o'hare airport will surely relate to this--his connecting flight being on the complete opposite side of the airport from where he landed. when he got there the doors were already closed and they would not open them. snag #1. he was booked on a connecting flight later which meant his arrival in baltimore would be later, which was fine. i decided to go to the party and when he called i would give him directions to mr. & mrs.twink's. i waited for his call. 10 p.m. nothing ... 10:30 p.m. nothing ... 11 p.m. nothing ... midnight comes and goes ... nothing. i must admit that now i am a bit worried. did he get stuck in chicago? is he stranded in baltimore with no phone? what's going on? but, i'm getting ahead of myself. let me get back to the party.

so, mr and mrs.twink's place is full of a great group of people and i had originally met them the previous year and had lods of fun with them. a keg of amstel light hung out on the back porch, nice and cold in the chill winter air, a healthy fire burning away in a portable fire pit on the patio and chairs set all around for enjoyable conversation and warmth. everyone was drinking and having a great time. one thing i've noticed when a group of us get together are the number of strange topics we find to discuss:

smoking poo (thanks to zack for this one) ~ apparently if you smoke dried poo, you will get high. i don't even want to fathom who discovered this fact.

huffing poo (thanks to ben for correcting our previous oversight of 'smoking poo') ~ apparently, you don't smoke dried poo, you, instead, pee and poo in a bag and then huff it for a high. again, i don't even want to fathom who discovered this fact.

blogging ~ anytime you get more than one blogger in a room together, the conversation inevitably turns to blogging and we begin to shun the non-bloggers. it's a tragic turn, unfortunately, but i'm a blogger so i'm not left out so i don't care!

horny goat weed (again, thank you zack for bringing this to our attention) ~ apparently there's this stuff out there called 'horny goat weed' that you take and it's supposed to get you horny. well, i don't know about anyone else, but a good stiff breeze could turn me on. the package--adorned with a photo of a big-breasted half naked woman ... and a goat--contains two capsules full of horny goat weed, which we all decided was probably sawdust and oregano and no one was willing to try it, however, zack was very insistent that these be used as suppositories. oh zack ... you poor dear. please, feel free to shove them in your bum.

racism ~ meh ... touchy subject, but for some reason it's always brought up at gatherings.

homosexuals ~ again, touchy subject for some, but brought up when a group of homos are hanging out with the straights, usually followed up with, "oh, i have no problem with gay guys. i know a lot and they're lots of fun. just don't hit on me."

vagina ~ inevitable.

roast beef sandwiches ~ those who were there will get this.

the list goes on, but i've forgotten them. drinking has that effect on me, tho i was pretty reserved that night as i had to drive later on. i had a great time, though, and there were lots of laughs to go around and great conversations (the aforementioned topics included) and when midnight rolled around, much hugging and kissing were being thrown about. i met some really great people: the brick, CAG incognito (she is uber hot!!), kt (also very hot), some hot british guy named alex (no, not the one i was expecting) ~ soon to be brother-in-law to kt, and many others who's names escape me at the moment. regardless. whee. i left around 1:45/2.

now, back to my friend from england. so, i'm on my way home and i get a call from jamie.

jamie: hey girl!
me: hey girl!
jamie: so, i just got off the phone with bob and guess who's at the central.
me: oh, gee. lemme guess.
jamie: a certain british friend of yours.
me: fucker.

apparently, his flight was even more delayed and he didn't arrive in baltimore until about 11:30 p.m. and decided to go to the bar instead with his friend dan, which is fine. what irritated me was the fact that he couldn't even take a few seconds to call or send a text message informing me that he was, in fact, in baltimore and that he wasn't going to make the party. i would have totally been fine with that, but instead, i was left wondering where the hell he was and if he was ok. meh. whatever. i'm over it now, but it flowed with the blog and had to post it. lol.

anyways ... i just wanted to say thank you to mr. and mrs.twink for throwing a great party! i had so much fun! can't wait to do it again next year! i also wanted to give a big shout out to my peeps and let them know i love them. i have amazing friends and i love them so much and, unfortunately, i don't get to see them as much as i want to. this is mainly my fault as i'm trying to watch my spending, but in 2008 i will try and make more of an effort to be available and make it out to see everyone! even though we don't see each other all the time, they are always in my heart and in my mind. love you guys and girls.

this post is a bit scatterbrained as i'm at work and trying to blog without being detected and i can't really think, to be honest.


Charm City Kim said...

I'm so glad that I got to spend NYE with you, honey. :-)

But lets go back to some of the conversation topics. Racism? Homosexuals? I have a vague idea who might have discussed either in any sort of offensive manner, and I apologize for having a moronic friend.

I hate that whole, "I'm fine with gay guys... as long as they don't hit on me" mentality. It makes me want to scream, "Don't flatter yourself!"

Scooter McFly said...

lol, too true, honey, but i wasn't offended in the least. you know me, it takes a lot to offend me and it was all in good fun. the racism talk wasn't in a negative light either ... more like "why are people racist?" type of comment. i think the poo talk was worse. lol.

Kate said...

You met me too! And Alex is my future brother-in-law, he will be very flattered!

Scooter McFly said...

oooh, kt! hi! i didn't know you had a blog on here! that rocks! and yes, alex is hot. ^^ it was very nice to meet you as well. :)

CAG Incognito said...

OMG GEOFF!!! I totally heart you. I asked Twinks if I could keep you. :-)

I put your pic on my blog. Check it out!

Uh okay so NYE/NY was like a week ago??? Can we get a new post? I so love your life!

Andréa said...

Happy 2008 to you! And thanks Mr and Mrs Twink for having a fun party that you could blog about and share with the rest of the world.