Tuesday, July 10, 2007

overheard at the copier (a recurring segment)

my desk, though by design or by torture, has been situated immediately next to an office copier and the ladies' restroom. at first, i found this somewhat disheartening as women are loud when they are in the bathroom while people in general simply talk far too loudly at the copier. sometimes i think a pinata party is going on, it's so loud.

however, i have recently come to the conclusion that this location is prime real estate as i overhear so many juicy and funny conversations. this segment will be a recurring segment and oftentimes i will introduce new players in this office soap opera i currently play a supporting role in. since we have more than one copier, however, i've enlisted the aid of one of my friends: daisy dyke, the resident lesbian.

now, since she can't have her hands in everyone's pants, she has her nose in their conversations ... this is surely a benefit to me as she will undoubtedly supply me with many overlooked gossip that i miss as i am not quite talented enough to be everywhere at once. i am working on that though.

my apologies, however, as i have nothing fun or new to include in this segment at this time. this is more of an introduction than anything, but rest assured, there will be items of note in later installments.

(update: i overheard this after i posted the blog.)

boss lady (talking to a boss-lady from another depatment): i'm going to have [IT-guy] go into the room with you so you guys can hook up.

now, i know she was referring to having ITguy set up cables so they could connect their laptops in the conference room, but when i heard this i laughed and mumbled under my breath, "in my world, honey, that means something entirely different."


Theresa said...

i miss you!! we need to hang out soon.

Scooter McFly said...

i miss you too, honey!! we definitely need to hang out soon ... it'll be much easier now that you are living closer to civilization ... if baltimore can be called that.