Thursday, July 12, 2007

sssshhhhuuuuuunnnn the non-believer ...

ok. i just have to say that i. love. mrstwink. to. death! she sent me a link the other day at work and i clicked it, unsure what to expect. the following video began playing and i laughed hysterically. so much so that daisy dyke heard me laughing two aisles away, thus dictating that i just had to send it to her so that she may enjoy my mirth. thank you, mrstwink!

enjoy! and if you don't laugh, there is something seriously wrong with you. 'nuff said.

Charlie The Unicorn - Free videos are just a click away


MrsTwink said...

I hope your day is filled with joy and joyness, Geoff!

I'm going to go play with the magical leopluradon.

Jamie said...

Of course I had to watch this again...this time I was able to control my self and just chuckled and snorted at my desk instead of falling out of my chair.

Candy mountain...candy fill me with sweet sugary goodness!!